محتاجة مساعدتكم بليييييييز

بنات الله يسعدكم اللي شاطرة في الانجلش تساعدني في هذه القطعة في استخراج الافكار الرئيسية منها باللغة الانجليزية

for example that i am a teacher who loves mathematics i encounter a student who is doing poorly and i decide to have a talk with him he tells me that he hates mathematics aha i think here is the problem i must help this poor boy to love mathematics and then he will do better at it what am i doing when i proceed in this way i am not trying to grasp the reality of the other as a possibility for myself i have not even asked how would it feel to hate maor learning it whek fthematics instead i project my own reality onto my student and say you will be just fine if only you learn to love mathematics and i have data to support me there is evidence that intrinsic motivation is associated with higher achievement did anyone ever doubt this so my student becomes an object of study and manipulation for me now i have deliberately chsen an example that is not often associated with manipulation usually we associate manipulation with trying to get our student to achieve some learning objective that we have devised and set for him bringing him to love mathematics is seen as a noble aim and so it is if it is held out to him as apossibility that he glimpses by observing me and others but then i shall not be disappointed in him or in myself if he remains indifferent to mathematics it is a possibility that may not be actualized what matters to me if i care is that he find some reason acceptable in his inner self for learning the mathematics required of him or that he reject it boldly and honestly how would it feel to hate mathematics what reasons could i find for learning it when i think this way i refuse to cast about for rewards that might pull him along he must find his rewards i do not begin with dazzling performances designed to intrigue him or to change his attitude i begin as nearly as i can with the view from his eyes mathematics is bleak jumbled scary boring boring what

عن atefatefmousa

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تكفون يا أهل الفزعات تعالو

السلام عليكم تكفووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ووووون سااعدني ابغا بحث عن هشاشة العظااااااامانجليزي خمس ورقاااات طلبيتكم