السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة نرجو من جميع الاعضاء اللتزام بقوانين المنتدى وعدم نشر برنامج او فلم او اغنية او اي شئ له حقوق ملكية كما يمنع نشر السيريالات والكراكات للبرامج ومن يخالف تلك التعليمات سيتم حظر حسابة للابد والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله


0 تصويتات
سُئل يونيو 22، 2015 في تصنيف مواضيع عامة بواسطة هيا (150,900 نقاط)
.  Another view is that we are all a little confused and really should stay at home, locked in doors and forget about everything as quickly as possible.  So, let's press the issue, eh?!  Sitting at our panel right now, we have three divergent opinions.  Three separate items of insanity in a rolling sea of stupidity. Three wisemen following very different stars.  To my right, heh, to everyone's right in fact, we have congressman Alex Shrub; the youngest state congressman to ever be elected by Vice City and now a respected man in the capital.  Mr. Shrub got elected because he has great hair and says things that make you nod your head.  His campaign appealed to the wealthy because he set all of us at ease by confirming, "It's okay to be rich, as long as you say you care about the children."  Mr. Shrub, welcome!‏