البارحه كنت في الدورة… وإذا بزميلي بابو فاتح لاب توب وشغال على اليورو وبالصدفه، ويامحاسن الصدف، اشوف عنده مباشر برو الأصدار الأخير!!! فقلت له بابو من متى عندك هذ نسخه؟ فقال حول شهر همممم، قلت له اكيد انته VVIP ظحك…. فقال: ياريت!!


8 thoughts on “اول نسخه من اصدار مباشر8.92.037 سلمت لى باليد عن طريق بابو!!

  1. أخوي إذ عندك أحساب مع مباشر بالطبع تكون نسخه دائمه! اما موضوغ الباسورد الواحد، من وجهة نظري هي ميزه ممتازه للمضاربين الخطف.

  2. مشكور وبارك الله فيك على هذا الجهد

    وان امكن لي تسائلين …

    هل هذه النسخه تجريبيه ام انها دائمه

    بعد ان نزلت البرنامج طلب مني الدخول بخطوه واحده وكنت ادخل البرنامج السابق بخطوتين (اقصد الدخول الى البرنامج بيوزر وباسورد ثم ادخل الى الوسيط بيوزر وباسورد اخر) وعندما اريد ان افصل التداول مع الوسيط يفصل البرنامج بالكامل وفي السابق كنت افصل التداول ويبقى البرنامج(متابعة التداول) يعمل بشكل اعتيادي

  3. Usability Features

    Expand All Collapse All
    This edition of Mubasher Pro is packed with a number of different Usability Features that help you to go that extra mile.To find out more about the selected feature, simply click on the link provided opposite Learn More.


    Access Right Click options quickly from the Mini-Toolbar. (Learn More: Mini-Toolbar)

    Side Bar

    The Side Bar gives a listing of the exchanges as well as the securities available in the exchanges, for quick reference. (Learn More: Side Bar)

    Configuring the Side Bar

    You can now change the way the symbol names appear in the Side Bar as you require. (Learn more: Side Bar see Configuration of Side Bar)

    Link Group

    You can now Link functions (E.g. Detail Quote, Snap Quote) you require to all the symbols of the Side Bar / selected Watch List. (Learn More: Link Group)

    Enhanced Time & Sales

    You have the option of saving / deleting Time and Sales information when you exit the application. (Learn More: Save Time and Sales On Exit)

    Customized Index Panel

    You can now customize the Index Panel as you prefer enabling you to keep track of market information and to make profitable decisions. You have the facility of viewing the index panel in many different views depending on your requirement. (Learn More: Index Panel)

    Tabbed windows

    You can have easy access to all windows that are open by enabling the Tab panel which will show tabs of all the windows you have open at any given time. (Learn More: Show Tab Panel)

    Detachable windows

    You can now detach most windows within the application, minimize and open them outside the application as a separate window. The Show Tab Panel option, in the Tools menu, allows you to view minimized windows as tabs. Smooth fonts on menus give you a pleasant look and feel! (Learn More: Detaching Windows)

    Performance Optimization

    You can optimize the performance of the application by reducing the time delays by deleting unwanted symbols from your watch Lists. (Learn More: Bandwidth Optimizer and Disable option)


    You can view the entitlements available to you through your subscription by clicking on the right hand corner of the connection status bar.

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