السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة نرجو من جميع الاعضاء اللتزام بقوانين المنتدى وعدم نشر برنامج او فلم او اغنية او اي شئ له حقوق ملكية كما يمنع نشر السيريالات والكراكات للبرامج ومن يخالف تلك التعليمات سيتم حظر حسابة للابد والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله

ما هى الاطعمة التى تحتوى على أعلى نسبة من البروتين ؟

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سُئل أكتوبر 29، 2015 في تصنيف الطعام والشراب بواسطة شربل (152,460 نقاط)

61 إجابة

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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 23، 2015 بواسطة الظبية البيضاء (151,000 نقاط)
Surprisingly, some parents don't worry about finding calcium rich foods or iron rich foods, which kids often don't get enough of. Instead,
they worry that their kids don't get enough protein in their diet because they don't like to eat meat.
Most can be reassured that their kids are getting plenty of protein in their diet though, especially when you consider that according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 'protein is so abundant in
the foods Americans eat, that most of us, children and adults alike, consume
more than we need.'
Keep in mind that only about 10 to 20 percent of your calories are supposed to come from protein, with the rest coming from carbohydrates and fats.
Protein Requirements
Protein requirements depend on a child's age and weight. For example, the average 4-6 year old preschooler requires about 22 grams of protein a day, while an older 7-10 year old requires about 28
grams of protein a day.
Making things a little more complicated, protein requirements also depend on the 'quality' of protein your child eats and how easily digestible it is. In general, animal proteins, such as from milk,
eggs, and meats, are considered highly digestible and higher quality than plant sources of protein. You don't have to worry about this though, as long as you vary which protein foods your child eats.
Even if your child only eats plant sources of protein, as long as you pair them, such as by eating grains and legumes, you can get the right amounts of proteins in your child's diet.
Protein Rich Foods
I think that one of the reasons that parents don't think that their kids get enough protein in their diets is that they simply aren't aware that protein is in so many different foods! Many foods
besides red meat are high in protein, which means that your kids are likely getting much more protein in their diet than you think.
Even if you think your kids are getting enough protein in their diet, understanding which foods have protein can be a good idea because nutrition experts often recommend that we vary our protein
Common protein rich foods can include:
   Soy Milk
   Peanut Butter
   Lean Meats, Fish, and Poultry
   Beans, Tofu, Lentils, and other Legumes
   Grains, including bread and pasta
   Nuts and Seeds
It can also be easy to find high protein foods by reading food labels and looking for foods with a higher protein number than other foods, such as from 6 to 10g or more.
Protein Fortified Foods
In addition to foods that naturally have a lot of protein in them, parents can also buy protein supplements, such as:
   Protein fortified drink mixes, including Pediasure or Carnation Instant Breakfast
Protein Foods Kids Like
Some ideas for high protein foods that can combine more than one protein rich food, such as a cheeseburger, which includes meat, cheese, and a bun, include:
   Tuna Fish Sandwich
   Cheese Pizza
   Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
   Macaroni and Cheese
   Grilled Cheese Sandwich
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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 23، 2015 بواسطة تامر (158,660 نقاط)
اسرع الاطعمة البروتينية امتصاصا
السمك المشوي
وقت امتصاص 3-4 ساعات و هذا اسرع شيء حي
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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 23، 2015 بواسطة نورا (161,080 نقاط)
أعلى نسبة : هي صدر الدجاج والبيض
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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 24، 2015 بواسطة سهى الكوكب (154,250 نقاط)
البيض في بروتين بس بالبياض اما الصفار ما فيو بروتين
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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 24، 2015 بواسطة غزل (150,340 نقاط)
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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 24، 2015 بواسطة ومطلب (155,130 نقاط)
اللحوم بـأنواعها والسمك
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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 25، 2015 بواسطة أوس (153,660 نقاط)
الآيسكريم والشوكولا ..
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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 25، 2015 بواسطة كمال (154,150 نقاط)
البيض واللحمه
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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 26، 2015 بواسطة عنود (162,340 نقاط)
البيض و اللحوم و الالبان
♥´'•سبحان الله و بحمده♥سبحان الله العظيم•'´♥
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تم الرد عليه نوفمبر 26، 2015 بواسطة شربل (152,460 نقاط)
ففي 100 غرام صويا 33.7 غرام بروتين بينما في 100 غرام لحم البقر 21.3
في 100 غرام بذور القرع 33 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام فول سوداني 26 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام جوز 25.3 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام سمسم 24.4 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام عدس 23.5 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام بذور عباد الشمس 22.5 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام فستق 20.8 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام حمص 20 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام فاصولياء 20 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام لوز 19 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام كشيو 17.2 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام بندق 13 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام فول 11.1 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام توفو 10.6 غرام بروتين
في 100 غرام ذرة 9.2 غرام بروتين