We want analysis to this company
What do u think about it Mr. Brooker Mohtaref
and we miss u al Najm al watheq

9 thoughts on “Tbareed who remember it -thanks for brooker mohtaref and al najm alwatheq

  1. سهم تبريد عليه تحذير من هيرمس
    سهم قليل الربح جدا
    الشركة تبيع بعض الاصول الآن للحصول الى نقد
    هذا تقرير هيرمس:
    For stocks that we would be underweight, we highlight Tabreed, primarily due to the company’s negative free cashflow
    generative profile over the next three years. This will likely necessitate further partial sales of its various plants. While this is a
    positive move from a medium-term perspective, in the short term it would necessitate downward revisions to earnings. In
    addition, the inevitable risk of delays will occasionally result in earnings being delivered below expectations. While we are
    long-term believers of the company, especially from a thematic perspective, we believe that shares will suffer in the current
    environment. Shares trade at 10.9x 2009e earnings

    تأكد ان السهم ممتتتتتااااااازززز ما دام هرمز يحذرون من السهم

    أخي سوقنا سوق سهم واحد الكل بيطلع وبينزل بنفس النسب تقريبا. فسيبك من هرمز بتعيش مرتاح

  2. عربى يا جدعان عربى …. من بكره هكتب بالروسى

    Please accept my apology when I write in English it is not because I like English it is because I do not have access to an Arabic keyboard and I live in a foreign country. I sometimes use my friend Arabic keyboard.

  3. سهم تبريد عليه تحذير من هيرمس
    سهم قليل الربح جدا
    الشركة تبيع بعض الاصول الآن للحصول الى نقد
    هذا تقرير هيرمس:
    For stocks that we would be underweight, we highlight Tabreed, primarily due to the company’s negative free cashflow
    generative profile over the next three years. This will likely necessitate further partial sales of its various plants. While this is a
    positive move from a medium-term perspective, in the short term it would necessitate downward revisions to earnings. In
    addition, the inevitable risk of delays will occasionally result in earnings being delivered below expectations. While we are
    long-term believers of the company, especially from a thematic perspective, we believe that shares will suffer in the current
    environment. Shares trade at 10.9x 2009e earnings

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