هل الامتحانات صعبه؟ و هل مهم ان الواحد يكون عنده خلفيه في الفاينانس؟


9 thoughts on “حد عنده فكره عن شهاده الcfa?

  1. The Definition of CFA

    The CFA designation is a qualification for
    finance and investment professionals, particularly in the fields of investment management, investment banking and financial analysis of stocks, bonds and their derivative assets. The program focuses on portfolio management and financial analysis, and provides a general knowledge of other areas of finance.

    copy paste ^^
    hmmm didnt have my bachelor yet :S
    and i miss reading exams lol
    maybe somone know about could help you

    I appreciate it! Thanks for stopping by

  2. The Definition of CFA

    The CFA designation is a qualification for
    finance and investment professionals, particularly in the fields of investment management, investment banking and financial analysis of stocks, bonds and their derivative assets. The program focuses on portfolio management and financial analysis, and provides a general knowledge of other areas of finance.

    copy paste ^^
    hmmm didnt have my bachelor yet :S
    and i miss reading exams lol
    maybe somone know about could help you

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