بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و الرحمة

للبيع ربطة يد مغناطيسية ,,,

هالربطة فيها مغناطيس طبي يساعد في تنشيط دورة دمويه في الجسم ,,

و يستخدمون منها شيخونا ( الله يطول بعمارهم ) ,,

سعر الربطة ( 250 درهم اماراتي ) شامل التوصيل ,,

متوفر مقاسS , M , L

للطلب ارجو ارسال

الاسم + الامارة + رقم الموبايل + عدد المطلوب

عن طريق SMS على الرقم

9399003 50 00971


مثل ما تشوفون فالصورة ( فزاع ) لابسنها











14 thoughts on “احلى هدية لك و لأحبابك ( ربطة فزاع ) موضوع جديد

  1. وسموحه من صاحب الموضوع

    للافاده للجميع

    [Background of Negative Ions
    Negative Ions are generally abundant in nature through plants, waterfalls, rain storms and forests. These Ions unfortunately are depleted in urban areas and as a result of modern technology.
    The human body absorbs Positive Ions from electronic equipment, cell phones, electrical wiring, and machinery encountered in everyday modern life. Physical stress and exposure to Ultraviolet (UV) Rays also elevates the positive ion levels within the body.
    Negative Ions in Trion:Z Products
    The negative-ions in Trion:Z products are released in measurable and significant amounts at rates 50 to 100 times higher than competing ion bracelets.
    Dual Loop Bracelets, Broadband™, Necklaces – Mineon Health® Fibers: A Unique Material

    Trion:Z’s Necklaces, Dual Loop bracelets, and Broadband Wrist Bands are made with “Mineon Health® Fibers”, a unique textile with negative-ion producing minerals woven into the fabric. They generate abundant levels of negative-ions.

    *Dual Loop Bracelets, Broadband, Necklaces only

    The material will still maintain its negative-ion producing properties when wet – even during swimming, surfing or other water sports.
    Care instructions: Hand wash using mild detergent; air dry. Do not bleach. Do not tumble dry.
    Background of Magnets
    Magnetic fields exist in all areas of life. The earth is in essence one large magnet, surrounded by a large magnetic field. The earth’s magnetic field protects us from radiation and is essential to healthy cell regeneration.
    The cells in the body create electrical charges and magnetic forces. Modern technology and lifestyles shield us from the earth’s natural magnetic fields.
    Patented Alternating North-South Polarity Orientation

    Trion:Z uses axially magnetized magnets in a unique patented Alternating North-South Polarity Orientation (ANSPO™) to maximize the magnetic field flow. US Patent# 6.913.663

    The typical magnetic device uses two-dimensional magnets which are cheap to produce and have minimal magnetic field penetration.

    Other multi-magnet devices use “like” poles in the same direction which creates a “dead zone” with no magnetic field.

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